I have discussed in later posts about the creation of the physicalities of all the characters but the physicality is generally that of the commedia archetypes. We discussed as a group which stock character fit each role, from there we improvised using the text and our preconceptions of military behaviour as a stimulus to create the three soldiers that are appear in our scene, the text itself does not reflect military. Through our research into Dario Fo we have interpreted his style of ridiculing people in power and the way he pokes fun at people, who blindly follow without questioning orders or religious instruction.
We have tried to make the three soldiers more stupid than the fool, each soldier represents a different manner of stupidity. The captain appears to be brave and confident but is an utter coward. The first crucifier is ambitious and arrogant but he is quick to anger, he is a reflection of the upper class who normally serve as Generals or high ranking officers.
The second crucifier is just a general run of the mill idiot, absent minded, does what he is told (when he is paying attention!). Finally, we have the fool and though he is supposed to be the fool, he is more a jester than someone lacking in intelligence. He is probably the smartest character of the four of us.
Good. You are directly applying the information from research and experimentation to your understanding and development of the scene.